感谢您使用 Proxy Rock 浏览器插件。本隐私权政策旨在向您说明我们如何收集、使用、存储、和保护您的个人信息。请您仔细阅读本隐私权政策,以便了解我们对您个人信息的处理方式。
该插件尊重并保护所有使用服务用户的个人隐私权,该插件不会收集或上传任何个人相关数据, 该插件会不时更新本隐私权政策。您在同意该插件服务使用协议之时,即视为您已经同意本隐私权政策全部内容。
本插件使用 Chrome WebExtensions 存储 API 来保存用户配置信息,该信息均保存在用户本地。
We highly value your privacy and will spare no effort to protect the security of your personal information.
Thank you for using the Proxy Rock browser extension. This privacy policy is intended to explain to you how we collect, use, store, and protect your personal information. Please read this privacy policy carefully to understand how we handle your personal information.
The extension respects and protects the personal privacy of all users of the service. It does not collect or upload any personal data. The extension will update this privacy policy from time to time. By agreeing to the terms of service for the extension, you are deemed to have agreed to all the contents of this privacy policy.
This extension uses the Chrome WebExtensions storage API to save user configuration information, all of which is stored locally on the user's device.
We may update this privacy policy from time to time. We encourage you to regularly review this privacy policy to understand how we protect your personal information.